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Your questions . . . answered. 

You have questions. We have answers. Because we believe that finding reliable information about maintaining your kidney's health should not be difficult. Feel free to give our office a call at (302) 503-3922 with any questions. 

Who is most at risk for kidney disease?

People who have:  

  • Diabetes

  • High Blood Pressure

  • A Family History of Kidney Disease

  • An Age over 60 

  • An African, Asian, Hispanic, or Indigenous Heritage


Those who are at risk should make sure they are tested at least once a year (this can be done through a blood test, urine test, etc.). Many times, the symptoms of kidney disease do not reveal themselves until the kidneys are already irreparably damaged. This means that there are a number of people who have kidney disease and don't even know it. Early detection can be key!






What are the symptoms of kidney disease?


In most cases, the symptoms of kidney disease are not experienced until the kidneys are already in a poor condition. Some of these symptoms include:


  • Low energy

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Dry, itchy skin

  • Frequent urination 

  • Bloody or foamy urine

  • Puffy eyes

  • Swollen ankles/feet

  • Poor appetite

  • Cramped muscles 





Grandma and Grandchild in Embrace
  • If my doctor tells me to limit my fluid intake, does that only apply to water?"
    No, the amount of fluids you consume includes all forms of beverages, ice cubes, and even covers a wide range of foods such as ice cream, gelatin, popsicles, soups, stews, yogurt, sauces, and a number of watery fruits (e.g. watermelon, canteloupe, strawberries, peaches, cucumbers, etc.) Reference:
  • I am experiencing some pain. Is it alright to take over-the-counter medication?
    It is very important for you to ask your doctor whether any type of medication is right for your kidney condition. When kidneys are functioning properly, medications can be filtered. However, when patients have impaired kidney function, these medications cannot be filtered out and can cause a dangerous build up in the body. References: kidney-disease
  • I'm about to go on dialysis. What foods can I eat?
    It is always mandatory to check in with your doctor or renal dietitian to ensure that your meal plans are tailored to your unique needs and any comorbid conditions you may have. However, the link provided for you here can give you an idea of the general dietary guidelines recommended for patients going on hemodialysis:
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    GoodRX has been able to help many people enjoy savings on their prescriptions. It is very easy to use! Just type in the name of your prescribed drug, the quantity, dosage, and form and search for the lowest prices available at your local pharmacies. Choose the coupon that will best benefit you. You must show your GoodRX coupon either in its digital or printed form to your pharmacist. Go to GoodRX now
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